Hello, there are multiple opportunities to serve on committees related to the upcoming 2024 National Libertarian Convention.  Each application contains a brief description of duties and exceptions.  There is one primary opportunity on the Platform Committee as well as ranked alternates. The primary Credentials Committee is filled and alternate spots are seeking to be filled. If you applied previously and were not selected as primary in that round, you are still in the running and do not need to re-apply. These spots will be selected at the LNC e-meeting the first Sunday in November.

Please apply for these committees by using the below forms:

Platform Committee: https://form.jotform.com/231908152914153

Credentials Committee: https://form.jotform.com/231908403408150

If you have any questions on these positions, please contact the LNC Secretary Caryn Ann Harlos at 561.523.2250 or secretary@lp.org.