Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

Who are ‘the uninsured?’

Today’s Washington Times editorial takes an eye-opening look into the Obama insinuation that America’s 45 million uninsured are middle-class families who simply can’t get health insurance unless Congress gives in to his proposed government takeover of health care. Click here to read the editorial, or pick up a copy of the Times if you live […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr: Despite crisis fad, sky’s not falling

Congressman Bob Barr, the 2008 Libertarian Party presidential nominee, writes in this week’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution column on the media’s penchant for blowing isolated problems up into overhyped crises, and the government’s equally-overhyped response. You may read the full column by clicking here to to go the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website, or clicking here to go to […]

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Libertarian Party

The lights are on, but nobody’s home.

The Obama administration, convinced that lightbulbs and other uses of energy are destroying the planet, is considering imposing $646 billion in new "light switch" taxes on Americans to drive up utility bills and force people to use less electricity.  The American Council for Capital Formation, using the Energy Department’s own forecasting models, finds so-called "cap […]

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Libertarian Party

Six of the top ten Senate ‘porkers’ are Republican

Taxpayers for Common Sense released a database Monday of the 8,570 earmarks, totaling $7.7 billion, in the FY09 omnibus spending bill. Remember all that talk last week about Republicans "learning the error of their ways" and promising to embrace fiscal responsibility?  Well, it seems six of the ten biggest recepients of earmarks just happen to […]

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Libertarian Party

Voter opposition to Obama $1.2 trillion spending plan grows

More bad news for the Obama administration.  Support for his $1.2 trillion government expansion plan continues to plummet, with a plurality of voters now opposing it. Even worse for Obama, half of all voters now say his plan will do more to hurt the economy than help it and Americans are more worried the government […]

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Libertarian Party

Bush Gets Ramos/Compean Commutation Right

When Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were arrested and convicted for crimes surrounding the 2005 shooting of drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, they became a symbol of the immigration problems facing the United States. They were given a prison sentence of more than 10 years for what some believed to be them "just […]

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Libertarian Party

Will the Feds Bust Santa Claus?

by George Getz (former Director of Communications for the Libertarian Party) When Santa Claus comes to town this week, he’d better watch out — because the federal government may be making a list of his crimes (and checking it twice), the Libertarian Party warned today. "Hark the federal agents sing, Santa is guilty of nearly everything," said […]

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Libertarian Party

Calamity and Consequence

It doesn’t take much to go from "bad" to "really bad" when government gets involved.  This is especially true when those in power have the philosophy that, "If it’s broken, government can fix it." Unfortunately, far too often government tries to force itself into problem situations with good intentions that have disastrous consequences.  Because many […]

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Libertarian Party

LPNY Supports Lawsuit Against Corporate Welfare

On Dec. 7, 2009, the Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) State Committee passed a resolution supporting a lawsuit seeking to end corporate welfare via the New York State Constitution. "The LPNY endorses the Stop The Pork Lawsuit filed by Jim Ostrowski to enforce the prohibition in the State Constitution against grants or loans of […]

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Libertarian Party

What Can the LP Do For You?

As a political party, we run candidates every November that wish to be elected to office in order to push public policy in a Libertarian direction. However, there is more to the Libertarian Party than just running candidates for office.  We are also one of the leading advocacy groups for libertarian policy in the United […]

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