Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

4 Libertarian books for 30 bucks

Dear Friend of Liberty, I’m offering you four important books for 30 bucks. Or you can pick just one for as low as $11.97. Free shipping. I selected these four books for a reason. These aren’t just any old books about liberty. They are books about the Libertarian Party, about libertarianism applied to many issues, […]

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Libertarian Party

Quick survey for LP News about online publication

Dear Friend of Liberty, I’d like some feedback from you regarding LP News for our editor, Eric Dixon. First a little background. As you may know, LP News is the primary print newsletter for the national Libertarian Party. In recent years, we’ve published four issues per year. We plan to publish six issues in 2014. […]

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Libertarian Party

Elected Libertarian councilman campaigned on high city debt

Erwin Haas, Kentwood, Mich., City Commissioner Thanks to newly-elected Libertarian Erwin Haas, the people in Kentwood, Mich., a suburb of Grand Rapids, now know there’s a huge public debt problem. Haas won a tightly contested race to unseat incumbent Maurice Groce by 68 votes, for the second ward seat of the city commission. The vote […]

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Libertarian Party

Latest federal budget deal screams, 'Vote Libertarian'

For Immediate Release Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced a budget deal on Dec. 10 that keeps spending high. Photo by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0) President Barack Obama and the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, reeling from low voter-approval ratings, are anxious to cut a budget deal that takes the heat […]

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Libertarian Party

Problems with national committee meeting

Dear Friend of Liberty, I am contributing $250 to help defray the cost of rescheduling a Libertarian National Committee (LNC) meeting and I’d like to ask for your help as well. Allow me to explain. Twenty-six people from around the country serve as LNC members or alternates. The LNC is the board of directors of […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party Chair Neale forges ties with European counterparts

For Immediate Release Thursday, December 5, 2013 Libertarian Party Chair Geoffrey Neale speaks to Spain’s Individual Freedom Party (P-LIB). Libertarian Party Chair Geoffrey Neale made an historic trip in November to forge ties with emerging Libertarian Parties in Europe and Russia. Neale addressed audiences in Madrid and Moscow, well-attended by Libertarian leaders within each country […]

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Libertarian Party

Long-sleeve Libertarian T-shirt promotion!

Dear Friend of Liberty, Just in time for winter, we’re getting a great deal on some long-sleeve T-shirts and are offering them to you for $34.99 or less! They’re long-sleeve and black with the word “Libertarian” across the chest in white. These aren’t wimpy little cheap give-away shirts. They’re high quality 100% cotton Hanes Beefy-T’s […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian and former lawmaker Charles Earl running for Ohio governor aims to reduce personal, business taxes to ‘zero’

Charles Earl, LP Ohio Candidate for Governor Charles Earl, a former Republican representative in the Ohio General Assembly who switched his party affiliation to Libertarian in 2010, is running for governor in Ohio in 2014 to advance personal freedom and constitutional government. Earl told the Sandusky Register, “We aim to reduce business and corporate taxes […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: 6 Ballot Access Questions

Dear Friend of Liberty, You can find answers to the following six questions below (originally posted on our Ballot Access Fund page). Which state ran a candidate for governor in 2010, set a record high percentage in that race for a Libertarian, but fell a heart-breaking 1,614 votes short of the 50,000 votes needed to […]

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