Search results for "border"

Jeff Sessions

The good and bad of Jeff Sessions getting fired

On Nov. 7, President Donald Trump demanded the resignation of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, effectively firing him from the position. Sessions had a dismal and destructive track record of supporting prohibitionist policies, draconian border controls and inhumane enforcement tactics, and authoritarian brutality in law enforcement. It’s good that he’s gone. Sessions will be replaced, […]

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Make freedom your single issue.

Vote Libertarian Today!

Dear Libertarian, I am asking you to vote today. Libertarians are notorious for not voting. This hurts our cause. I know all the lines about how “it is just one vote” and “it won’t make a difference.” But collectively, it does make a difference … sometimes a HUGE difference. The vast majority of you will […]

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8 key ballot access races

8 key ballot access races

Each election cycle, the Libertarian Party works hard to get our candidates on as many ballots across the country as we can. The results on Election Day will determine how much time, money, and effort will be needed to achieve ballot access in 50 states plus D.C. for our 2020 presidential nominee, just as we […]

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Vote Gary Johnson for U.S. Senate

Gary Johnson brings competitive fundraising to US Senate race in NM

The Gary Johnson campaign for U.S. Senate in New Mexico is raising serious money from small donors, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Johnson announced his campaign with the Libertarian Party in mid-August, and has already raised more than $235,000. Mick Rich, Johnson’s Republican opponent, raised only $133,000 during the entire quarter ending on Sept. […]

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Lucy Brenton is running as the Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Indiana. On Oct. 8, 2018, the Indiana Debate Commission staged a debate between Brenton and her Democratic and Republican opponents, airing on cable network C-SPAN2.

Libertarian candidates are great in debates, so opponents collude to exclude them

On Oct. 8, the Indiana Debate Commission staged a debate between candidates on the ballot for senator from Indiana, Republican Mike Braun, Democratic incumbent Joe Donnelly, and Libertarian Lucy Brenton. Lucy arguably won the debate, and invited people to follow her with the hashtag #ILoveLucy. Even Donnelly said, “I love Lucy too.” This particular debate […]

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LP News, August 2018

August 2018 issue of LP News now online

The August 2018 issue of LP News is now ready to view on our website. Inside, you can read coverage of the 2018 Libertarian National Convention in New Orleans, ballot access victories in Illinois and Ohio, the strengthened open-borders plank and the new sex worker plank of the Libertarian Party platform, LP award recipients, Ron […]

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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Immigrants benefit the United States

In a recent story, the Orlando Sentinel wrote about a local official who had quoted the libertarian-leaning former radio host Neal Boortz when he tweeted, “name just ONE country that was improved in ANY WAY by the addition of more Muslims.” The answer is easy: The United States. This country is home to countless success […]

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I vote Libertarian

See our list of 837 Libertarian candidates

Click here to see our 2018 list of Libertarian candidates. We’re constantly adding new names, and removing a few as well. If you see that any candidates are missing, please e-mail our Candidate and Affiliate Support Specialist, Bob Johnston, with any details right away. If you are a candidate and notice your website is missing […]

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2018 Libertarian National Convention delegates

Libertarian convention breaks fundraising records, elects new officers

The recently concluded Libertarian National Convention, held in New Orleans, set attendance and fundraising records. Preliminary figures indicate that this year’s convention may have surpassed the 2016 presidential nominating convention in both attendance and fundraising. Delegates elected a new slate of party officers, including reelecting Nicholas Sarwark to an unprecedented third consecutive term as chair […]

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