Search results for "border"

Libertarian Party

Barr Urges House Judiciary to Hold President Accountable

For Immediate Release Sunday, July 27, 2008 Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Barr called for ‘a thorough inquiry into the Bush administration’s attack on the Constitution’s system of separation of powers and checks and balances.’ He explained: ‘It is axiomatic that no matter how much power government has, it always wants more.” “While […]

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Libertarian Party

West Virginia Update #1

It’s been more than 36 hours since my plane landed in West Virginia and I began volunteering with the Barr campaign’s ballot access drive.  Though coming to the end of my second day, it’s already been an interesting experience in a state traditionally dominated by Democrats and with a history that makes its residents wary […]

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Libertarian Party

80 for 8 in 8

From the Libertarian Party: Dear Fellow Libertarian: Eight States.  Eight Days.  Eighty thousand dollars. That’s our goal for the next eight days as we face tough deadlines in eight states across the nation, and we’re $80,000 short of what we need to finish the ballot access drives in these states. We’re putting out an urgent […]

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Libertarian Party

Help us in West Virginia

For those that have been following the LP’s ballot access journey for 2008, the goal has been 48 states–standard for the Party since becoming the third largest political party in the United States.  The LP’s success with ballot access is partially why it can legitimately claim to hold this status.

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Libertarian Party

'Go, Bob, go!'

For Immediate Release Friday, June 27, 2008 This is a great article on our Presidential candidate Bob Barr from Politico . Click here to read the article by Politico’s Terry Michael. “Like a number of small-government Republicans who came to Washington in the Republican Revolution of 1994, Barr’s separation from the corrupting influences of K […]

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Libertarian Party

Third anniversary of Kelo

Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. New London.  The Kelo decision granted the power of eminent domain to any private company that could prove an ability to provide any semblance of public use, at some point in its existence. This decision further distorted the questionable ability of […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr rises on Digg home page

For those that followed the campaign of Ron Paul, it became routine that any story about Paul or the campaign would soar to the top of–one of the leading sites for news and information in the online community.  Now, it appears Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, may also be heading in […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr rises on Digg home page

For those that followed the campaign of Ron Paul, it became routine that any story about Paul or the campaign would soar to the top of–one of the leading sites for news and information in the online community.  Now, it appears Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, may also be heading in […]

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Libertarian Party

An Open Letter to Congress

For Immediate Release Monday, June 2, 2008 Taxpayers Oppose Title III of the Farm Bill The Libertarian Party is one of 28 taxpayer groups to sign on to a National Taxpayers Union (NTU) letter to congress in opposition to Title III of the Farm Bill, which will cost Americans millions of dollars in wasteful spending. […]

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Libertarian Party

A letter to pro-FISA Democratic Senators

For Immediate Release Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Letters sent to Senate Democrats who voted for the FISA amendments The Libertarian Party has sent letters to 22 Democratic Senators who voted for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act amendments in August of last year, urging them to reconsider against an upcoming Senate bill that would make those […]

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