Mark West appearing on ABC affiliate KATV, tv studio backdrop with ABC and 'TB and P' show logos, west is wearing grey suit yellow tie, his ID on screen reads'Mark West-L Candidate for governor' (color screenshot)

Mark West, the 2018 Libertarian nominee for governor of Arkansas, appearing on ‘Talk Business & Politics’ on ABC affiliate KATV television

The Arkansas Libertarian Party (LP) has nominated 33 candidates for 34 office in 2018. The record number of candidates, headed by Mark West for governor, has garnered notable media coverage. West was interviewed by Roby Brock, host of “Talk Business & Politics” on KATV television in Little Rock. From the Feb. 25 broadcast:

Mark West will represent the Libertarian Party of Arkansas on the 2018 general election ballot as the party’s candidate for governor.

West, a Batesville business manager and part-time pastor, says he thinks the state’s voters need an alternative choice to Republicans and Democrats. “I’m running as a Libertarian because I believe that we offer something different than you’re getting. You have, typically in Arkansas, it tends to be a centrist state, especially if you follow presidential elections and the gubernatorial races, it always tends to wind up in the center,” he said.

“What we want to do is bring free-market approaches back to Arkansas. Free-market approaches back to health care, back to how we operate businesses, how we treat businesses in Arkansas. Because we believe that will bring everybody up together,” he said.

The program’s news website affiliate ran an article on all the 2018 Arkansas LP candidates. From the Feb. 26 coverage, “Libertarians make a splash with candidate nominations”:

In some races, they’ll be the only challenger to incumbents and in other matchups, they will join a crowded field. This weekend, the Libertarian Party of Arkansas selected its nominees for 2018 political office.

They’ll go “West” in their choice for governor, look to “Canada” for Congressional support, and even Elvis will return to the building, at least to pay his filing fees.

Party officials said they fielded 33 candidates for state and local offices this year, the most candidates the Libertarian Party has put on the ballot.

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Click here for a list of the 2018 LP Arkansas candidates.