Arvin Vohra
From an article by Peter Gemma posted at Independent Political Report on November 22:
“The Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson’s share of the national vote is approaching 3.3 percent, better than any other presidential result in the party’s 45-year history. Arvin Vohra, Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, asserted that, ‘During this election cycle, millions of new people have come to the Libertarian Party. These will be our future activists, state and county chairs, and candidates.’ Vohra also stated, ‘We have seen much wider acceptance of Libertarian ideas, such as ending the War on Drugs, eliminating the income tax, repealing the Patriot Act, and getting the government out of healthcare and education. The increased traction of these ideas is spreading our message and bringing new people into the LP every day.’”
“The Libertarian Party’s Vohra emphasized that the election, ‘was a major step forward for our party specifically, and may have also helped other parties. Just days ago, for example, an LP candidate training program which in the past usually had 7–10 attendees had over 100.’
“Darcy Richardson praised the Libertarian Party’s progress: ‘One of their biggest accomplishments was the party’s successful petition drive in Oklahoma.’”
“Of the Oklahoma effort, Richardson also said: ‘It was the first time in 16 years that the Libertarian Party qualified for the ballot in the Sooner State, thereby giving the party’s presidential ticket a realistic shot at appearing on the ballot in all fifty states and the District of Columbia this year. That was an extraordinary accomplishment.
“Vohra claimed, ‘Our 2016 success was built largely on the groundwork of countless activists as well as the excellent job done by the Gary Johnson campaign. That includes the exponential increase in state and county level organization, the incredible work of our social media volunteer teams, and the unprecedented outreach done by the Johnson campaign.’”
“Vohra is optimistic about the third party movement: ‘I have never before seen this level of enthusiasm, organization, dedication to principle, and passion.’”