Instruction below provided by Connecticut petition coordinator Christopher Thrasher.

Thank you for taking the time to help the Libertarian Party of Connecticut!

With your help, voters in Connecticut will have the chance to vote for the Libertarian Party five times on your November ballot, for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Comptroller, and Secretary of State.


Keep in mind a few things:

  1. The petition must be printed on Legal size paper, double sided. The signature page must be on one side, and the Circulator’s statement on the other (DO NOT SIGN CIRCULATOR’S STATEMENT YET! PLEASE SEE BELOW).
  2. You must be at least 18 years old, and not on probation for a felony to petition. (You do not have to be a Connecticut resident to petition).
  3. Each town must have its own petition sheet. That means only voters from the town printed at the top can sign that particular sheet. (You must use an additional sheet for each town)
  4. Remember, right now we’re just trying to get on the ballot, so the approach is a bit different from regular campaigning. If a voter asks for more information on the candidate or the Libertarian Party, by all means give it to them, but remember right now we’re trying to get on the ballot first and foremost! Keep in mind the names on the petition are different from the candidates themselves, as the laws in Connecticut mean we have to substitute out the names once we file the petition.

Here’s a great generalized pitch to get people to sign your petition:

“Hi There, are you a Connecticut voter? Great! We’re trying to get an Independent candidate for governor on the ballot for November. Right now, we’re not asking for votes or support, we just need to collect 10,000 signatures JUST TO GET ON THE BALLOT. Any chance I can get you to add yours?

{When/If they ask who the candidate is, continue}:

The candidate is an independent, so not a Democrat or a Republican, and he’s associated with the Libertarian Party. Right now we’re just trying to give you another choice in November. Can I get you to sign here?”

  1. Please ask voters to completely fill in the information, Signed Name, Printed Name, Date of Birth (NOT today’s date!), and address where they are registered to vote. This information goes straight to the secretary of state’s office, and is how the registrations are checked.
  2. Once you have collected signatures, you can take your signed petition sheet to a Notary or a Justice of the Peace. You must sign the circulator’s statement in their presence. If you cannot do this yourself, we will be happy to come to you!
  3. Because of the short timeline, we will be happy to come to you to gather the signed petitions, and fill out the circulator’s statement with you if needed.

Please feel free to email us at, or call Christopher Thrasher at 702-901-1483 to get your petitions picked up, or with any questions.

Thank you for your help in ensuring the voters of Connecticut have a chance to vote for the Libertarian Party!