Libertarian John Ordille for Northfield City Council
Following two campaigns for Congress, Libertarian John Ordille is now applying his experience and his explicitly Libertarian platform to a run for local office. He is seeking a four-year, at-large seat on the Northfield, N.J. city council. Shore News Today has been featuring Ordille in their election coverage. From their October 30 article on his campaign:
“Ordille said he decided to run for council because he is frustrated by what he called the tax-and-spending situation and the pension situation. He said there are too many local ordinances that target a single situation or individual and call the ordinances a ‘quality of life’ issue for residents.
“He said the most pressing issue in Northfield is property values. He said property values took a huge hit in 2008, and to counter that, council needs to help bring more ratables to the city. Ordille said making it a friendlier place to do business might encourage more businesses to make Northfield their home.
“Ordille said he has been a Democrat as well as a Republican, but when he started to look deeper at what each party had to say, his beliefs lined up with the Libertarian Party. He switched in 2011 and ran twice for U.S. Congress as a member of the Libertarian Party.”
The election is being held on Tuesday, November 7.