I’ll pay you $2.50 per signature for each signature you collect for the LP Ohio petition drive, subject to the terms below.

I need your help! See the graph below. We have to speed up right away!

We had hoped to finish this petition drive in December 2017, but it just keeps dragging on and on. We need to finish this statewide petition drive so that candidates can finally get started on their own petition drives — and then start campaigning!

We started the ballot access petition drive in Ohio in January 2017. Fifteen months later, we’ve collected about 85,000 signatures, but need more than 100,000 to be safe. The national LP expects to spend $140,000 total. The Ohio LP is spending more than $50,000 as well.

The graph below represents the portion of the petition drive paid for by the national Libertarian Party (LP Ohio has additional signatures).

LNC Paid Portion of LP Ohio Petition Drive - April 2018

A lot of our paid petitioners have been lured away to other states, mostly for petition drives that aren’t related to the Libertarian Party.

I can’t find enough people to hire. That’s why I want to hire you.

I’ll hire almost anyone, from candidates for governor to candidates for city council, to board members of LP Ohio, to members of LP Ohio, to people interested in helping Libertarians whether living inside or outside Ohio, to non-registered voters, subject to the terms below (terms subject to change without notice).

You must sign the contract I’ll provide to you, which will constitute the entire agreement, and get that contract countersigned by me before starting and being eligible to collect signatures for pay. Additional terms likely to be in the contract:

  1. You must collect at least 100 signatures per week.
  2. You will get paid $2.50 per signature collected, subject to pay reductions for validity lower than 75 percent.
  3. No expenses will be covered; for example, you will not be reimbursed for any lodging, travel, miles on your car, meals, gas, petition forms, supplies, etc. That’s why we are specifically trying to hire Ohio residents.
  4. You’ll have to mail the signatures to me by FedEx, UPS, or USPS Priority Mail, at your own expense, on a weekly basis. Overnight shipping isn’t necessary. You can use the cheapest option that includes tracking.

Click here to find out more of the background on the LPO petition drive, plus some of the rules and forms.

Many LP Ohio members pledged to volunteer for the petition drive, and we still need lots of people to help as volunteers.

Send me a note if you want to volunteer.

What I really really really want, though, is two or three hard workers to pay. Adding two or three hard workers who will work hard on this and get 500 signatures per week ($1,250 per week) would be ideal and would get the job done.

Send a note to me at wes.benedict@lp.org to get started, or call (202) 333-0008 x232 (and leave a message).

Click here to donate for ballot access.

I need your help today!


Wes Benedict

Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee, Inc.
(202) 333-0008 x232