Platform Committee

The Party Bylaws provide the following for affiliate appointments to the Platform Committee:

1. There shall be a Platform Committee, a Bylaws and Rules Committee, and a Credentials Committee for each regular convention. The National Committee shall appoint a temporary chair of each committee to serve until each committee selects its own chair.
3. The Platform Committee shall consist of 20 members selected as follows:
a. One member by each of the five affiliate parties having the greatest per capita sustaining membership as determined for convention delegate allocations at the most recent regular convention.
b. One member by each of the 10 affiliate parties having the largest sustaining memberships, excluding those affiliates from (a), as determined for convention delegate allocations at the most recent regular convention.
c. Five members selected by the National Committee.
d. These members shall be selected no later than the last day of the fifth month prior to the regular convention.
5. Ranked alternates may be named by the appointing bodies to fill any vacancies or absences in the convention committees.

The LNC had appointed Lauren Daugherty, Caryn Ann Harlos, Ashley Shade, Mary Swim, and Curry Taylor. Ms. Daugherty has since resigned, and the LNC has not yet appointed a replacement nor designated alternates.

The deadline for appointments is December 31, 2021 but it is helpful if appointments are made earlier so that the Committee can start its work. The Committee cannot begin deliberations until all designated affiliates have made their appointments.

The states that have earned Platform Committee appointments are:
• Alaska
• California
• Colorado
• Florida
• Illinois
• Michigan
• New Hampshire
• New Mexico
• New York
• Ohio
• Pennsylvania
• Texas
• Virginia
• Washington
• Wyoming

The data which support these determinations is as follows:

You can view the committee discussions here:

Credentials Committee

1. There shall be a Platform Committee, a Bylaws and Rules Committee, and a Credentials Committee for each regular convention. The National Committee shall appoint a temporary chair of each committee to serve until each committee selects its own chair.
4. The Credentials Committee, composed of 10 members, shall be selected as follows.
a. Five members chosen by the National Committee no later than six months before a regular convention.
b. One member by each of the five affiliate parties having the largest sustaining memberships as determined for convention delegate allocations at the most recent regular convention. These shall be selected by each of the affiliate parties no later than three months prior to the regular convention.
5. Ranked alternates may be named by the appointing bodies to fill any vacancies or absences in the convention committees.

The LNC had appointed Susan Hogarth, Alexander Hutton, Leigh LaChine, Elisheva Levin, and Peter Moulds. Cecilia Slafter was appointed as alternate. The states earning seats are California, Florida, New York, Ohio, and Texas.