This notification was sent out to the Affiliate parties today.

Hello State Chairs:

The Libertarian National Committee Policy Manual provides the following:

11.11 – Party Records


2) Delegate Allocation Based on Presidential Votes 

The Secretary shall distribute to each affiliate party the presidential vote totals that the Secretary proposes to use for purposes of delegate allocation for national conventions as provided for in the Bylaws, no later than the last day of April in the year following a presidential election. If any Party member seeks a modification of the vote totals proposed by the Secretary, the member shall file with the Secretary a written request to modify the totals along with any documentation supporting the request no later than the last day of May of the same year. The Secretary shall review all such requests to modify the presidential vote totals and distribute a final allocation of delegates based on presidential vote totals no later than the last day of July of the same year.

I intend upon using the following data:

If you have already been in touch with me, you do not need to respond separately to this email as we will continue our prior communications.  Otherwise please let me know of any challenges or modifications.

PS:  This is only half of the delegate allocation equation.  The rest is found as follows in the Bylaws:

Bylaws Article 10


3. Affiliate Party Delegate Entitlements: Each affiliate party shall be entitled to send delegates to each regular convention on the following basis: 

  1. One delegate for each 0.14 percent, or fraction thereof, of the total Party sustaining membership in that affiliate; provided that at least one such delegate must be a resident of that State or District. 
  1. One delegate for each 0.35 percent, or fraction thereof, of the votes cast nationwide for the Libertarian Party candidate in the most recent presidential election, cast in that affiliate’s state. If a state conducts its presidential election via Ranked-Choice or Instant Runoff Voting, the ballots for the Libertarian candidate as tabulated in the first round of ballot counting will be used for this purpose.

4. Delegate Allocation: 

  1. In order to be counted for delegate allocation, sustaining membership applications must be sent to the National Headquarters by either the individual member or the affiliate party and received or postmarked no later than the last day of the seventh month prior to the regular convention.


That last day for the calculation based on sustaining memberships is 10/31/2025.  I will be getting with you leading up to that deadline as well.

For reference:

Please let me know if you have any questions at

In Liberty,

Caryn Ann Harlos, LNC Secretary