Masthead of Ballot Access News - text 'BALLOT ACCESS NEWS' with red and blue checkmark and text 'Edited by Richard Winger' (color graphic image)From Ballot Access News on June 10, 2020:

On June 9, North Dakota held open primaries for the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian Parties. North Dakota is the only state which requires primary candidates to poll a specified minimum number of votes in the primary in order to be on the November ballot. Statewide candidates need 300 votes. The Libertarians running for statewide office all received enough votes. The ticket of DuWayne Hendrickson & Joshua Voytek, running as a team for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, received 665 votes in preliminary election returns. For U.S. House, Steven James Peterson received 686.

The vote minimum requirements for legislature are far more severe, and usually require over 100 votes inside that legislative district. For this reason, no minor party candidate for legislature has appeared on the November ballot since 1976, when the American Party managed to meet the vote requirement for a few legislative candidates.