Aubrey Dunn
A statewide officeholder is considering running in 2018 as a Libertarian for governor of New Mexico, where 2016 Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson served as a popular two-term governor.
As reported by AP via U.S. News and World Report on November 13 (“New Mexico Land Commissioner May Go Libertarian”):
A family member and political spokesman says New Mexico State Land Commissioner Aubrey Dunn is seriously considering a run for governor under the Libertarian Party.
Albuquerque-based attorney Blair Dunn said Monday that his father, Aubrey Dunn, is giving “heavy consideration” to leaving the Republican Party to run for New Mexico governor as a Libertarian candidate or independent of any party. Second-term GOP Gov. Susan Martinez cannot seek re-election in 2018.
Aubrey Dunn has said he will not seek re-election as land commissioner in 2018, and [he] briefly campaigned this year for Congress in New Mexico’s southern district before withdrawing.
Support for Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson in 2016 elections has made it easier for Libertarian candidates to get on the ballot in New Mexico, and several other states including Iowa, Kentucky and Massachusetts.
For the Libertarian Party to maintain major-party status in New Mexico, its 2018 candidate for governor must get at least 5 percent of the votes cast, and the state party must maintain at least one-third of 1 percent of the registered voters. The state party currently has over one-half of 1 percent of New Mexico’s registered voters.