Libertarian Party of Nevada

For the first time in party history, the number of Nevadans registered to vote as Libertarians exceeds 1 percent of the state’s total voter registration.

Therefore, the Libertarian Party (LP) of Nevada will retain ballot access as long as it maintains its share of at least 1 percent of the registered voters, in which case it will not have to rely on any specific election results in order to retain its party status.

Thanks to Richard Winger for bringing this news to our attention. (See his Sept. 5 coverage at the Ballot Access News website.)

Nevada is the fourth LP state affiliate to have garnered at least 1 percent of a state’s registered voters. Alaska, Colorado, and Nebraska can also claim a share of over one percent.

This November, ten Nevada Libertarians are seeking the votes of those registered Libertarians and their fellow voters in races for federal, state, and local office.

NOTE: This article as originally published incorrectly said that Nevada was the third state to exceed 1 percent of voter registration, failing to include LP Nebraska’s achievement of this status earlier in 2018. (Thanks to Zhani Doko for the correction.)

Learn about the 2018 Nevada Libertarian candidates at the LP Nevada website:

The Nevada slate is part of the approximately 800 Libertarians running for office at all levels of government this November. Learn about them at

As of Sept. 5, the LP has ballot access in 48 states plus the District of Columbia. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to attain and preserve ballot access in every state, at