National Debt and the Robbery of American Citizens

The National Debt is one of the greatest assaults on American liberty, prosperity and stability that has ever taken place in history. Our government has grown from one of the smallest in history to the largest by a wide margin, as our politicians spend without consideration for the inflationary impact on everyday working people, families and businesses. 

What does our government fund? Wars, foreign nations, welfare programs, and a massive army that is ever expanding of corporate government workers with allegiance to the system that sustains them, while undermining our ability to spend, save, and plan for the future. 

We will demand the national debt be curtailed, spending be reigned in, and that the Federal Reserve cease its continued finance of irresponsible government spending. 

The Libertarian Party supports diversification of our financial and monetary systems and currencies, so that the government’s debt, via the fiat US dollar, is not your debt. 

Ending the debt and ending the spending gives Americans back control over their bank accounts, and planning for the future, knowing that their currency will not be devalued while they sleep by governmental robbers in the dark.