Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia

The Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia is working with other opponents of the drug war to end mass incarceration of marijuana users, allow users to grow their own plants, and end the crony capitalism caused by regulation.

Below is a press release from the LP D.C., issued on March 29:

The DC Libertarian Party Joins Forces with DMV Marijuana Justice Activists to Abolish Federal Overregulation and Free Prisoners For April 2019 Cannabis Awareness Month

Continuing the Libertarian Party’s half century of advocacy to end President Nixon’s “drug war,” members of the DC Libertarian Party unite with DCMJ ( and its Maryland and Virginia affiliates on Capitol Hill to end Federal Drug Prohibitions once and for all.

“‘House Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) said in a radio interview on Wednesday that he expects the chamber to vote on legislation to end federal marijuana prohibition within a matter of ‘weeks.’” —Forbes, 28 March 2019

Now that the House Financial Services Committee voted to approve marijuana businesses’ access to banks on Thursday 28 March 2019, beginning with the April 2 Congressional Seed-In, activists in the nation’s capital will distribute cannabis seeds to those over 21 and lobby Members of the House and Senate to:

  • Immediately release all cannabis prisoners nationwide
  • Abolish federal laws prohibiting Americans from growing plants at home to counter overregulation pushed by a few big crony-capitalist interest groups
  • Permit medical marijuana card holders and workers to cross state lines for work, treatment and other legal activities and permit interstate commerce

There are at least two dozen deadly plants—like pokeweed, datura and hemlock—that grow without restriction in the Nation’s Capital in private gardens, city parks and along Federal trails while residents growing cannabis—which has killed no one—are subject to brutal and ridiculous Federal criminalization that destroys lives of peaceful private persons.

DC Libertarians will also join our Marijuana Justice sisters and brothers, veterans, parents, and patients for the Friday, 19 April 2019 National Cannabis Festival Policy Summit at the Newseum and the annual Catharsis on The National Mall Friday, 3 May through Sunday 5 May near the Washington Monument. We will raise public awareness about the harms of prohibition and over criminalization and show how prosperity, peace, and stronger and healthy families and communities will grow as we advance liberty for all.