Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark was quoted in a February 13, 2017 article on the Fox News website regarding civil asset forfeiture:

“The White House has riled the country’s civil libertarian wing after President Trump enthusiastically voiced support for a controversial law enforcement tool that allows an individual’s property or assets to be seized without a guilty verdict.

“The president weighed in on what’s known as ‘civil asset forfeiture’ during an Oval Office meeting last week with sheriffs. The president, who ran on a law-and-order message, said he shared their desire to strengthen the practice and even said he would ‘destroy’ the career of a Texas politician trying to end it.

“The comments revived tensions with libertarians who have been fighting the practice under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Already piqued by the selection of former Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, a vocal supporter of asset forfeiture, to lead the Justice Department, the Libertarian Party itself condemned the comments.

“’It was really disappointing to hear those words. He campaigned on the idea of helping people who are on the low end of the economic spectrum and this [law] disproportionately affects minorities and those who do not have the means to hire an attorney,’ Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark told Fox News.

‘Sarwark called the practice ‘immoral,’ adding that it is simply “government theft of individual property that flips the nation’s legal system on its head.’”

Click here to read the full article.