James Herrold

Nebraska Libertarian candidate James Herrold was one of two candidates endorsed for the upcoming Lincoln City Council primary election by the Lincoln Journal Star on March 28, 2019. The Journal Star is the main daily newspaper for Lincoln, Neb., and is the second most widely-read paper in the state.

From the Journal Star article, titled “Herrold, Ward our choices in District 4 race”:

As northwest Lincoln voters replace Carl Eskridge following his second term on the City Council, they have three choices to consider.

Those candidates – James Herrold, Cassey Lottman and Tammy Ward – have distinct visions and focuses for how to best serve this diverse area of town, which stretches from South of Downtown to Air Park.

From the perspective of the Journal Star editorial board, Herrold and Ward represent the best picks to advance to the general election. Both are well informed but offer voters very different philosophies on governance.

Though he hasn’t been elected to public office, Herrold has been a fixture at City Council meetings for several months. No other candidate has demonstrated that much of a desire to study how the council functions week in and week out.

He presents a consistent, conservative message of reducing red tape and barriers to government services, correctly noting that the affiliated costs are passed onto Lincolnites. By nurturing and promoting growth in the Capitol City, he hopes to increase tax revenue by spreading it among more residents, thereby reducing it for individuals.

While it’s unclear how the council’s composition will change following this spring’s election, Herrold would be positioned as a swing vote if the other seats’ party breakdown remained the same. As a registered Libertarian, he’d be insulated from the divide between Republicans and Democrats that frequently crops up when controversial topics come before the officially nonpartisan body.

The primary election will be held on April 9, and the general election on May 7.

Visit James Herrold’s campaign website: JamesHerrold.com