The Libertarian National Committee has named Whitney Bilyeu from Texas to serve as the new Chair of the LNC.  Whitney serves as the current Region 7 Representative to the LNC and is also the current Chair of LPTexas.  In addition to serving the Libertarian Party in these leadership capacities, Whitney has run for State Board of Education twice and has run for Texas Senate.  She has also been a lifetime member of the party since 2016 and she and her husband, Paul, are monthly pledgers.  Her natural ability to lead and her drive for excellence make her an outstanding choice for the position.

“The Libertarian National Committee, and the Libertarian Party as a whole, is emerging from a trying time,” said Bilyeu.  “It is, however, far from the most tumultuous in the Party’s long history.  I accept the great honor to lead this committee as Chair with the optimism that, united by our common principles, we emerge from the divisions and uncertainties of the past month with a renewed commitment to each other in our shared cause.  It is a testament to our growth and strength as a Party that the good work of our activists, affiliates, and staff all around the country has continued unabated throughout.  It is that same strength and perseverance that will continue to carry us forward.  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Vice-Chair Ken Moellman for bearing the burdens of this past month with dignity, compassion, and unstinting diligence as we work toward solutions to the challenges we confront.  I look forward to continuing to work with Mr. Moellman, the other members of the LNC, our affiliates, and our staff.  We have great things ahead of us as a Party and, together, I know we will accomplish them.”

On Sunday, July 11, the LNC convened a special session to fill the vacancy left by Joe Bishop-Henchman’s resignation in June.  Over the previous two weeks, members of the committee nominated candidates to backfill the position based on their history with the party, their history with the LNC, and their vision for the Party’s future.  LNC members used RCV (ranked-choice voting) to select their preferred candidate from the pool of nominees or to select NOTA (None of the Above).  Should NOTA have prevailed, Acting Chair, Ken Moellman, would have continued to serve in his capacity until the national convention in May of 2022.

“Ms. Bilyeu’s wide breadth of experience at all levels of the party will be invaluable to understanding and engaging with our affiliates, our members, our candidates, and our supporters”, commented Executive Director Tyler Harris. “The Libertarian Party has a proud 50-year legacy of advocacy for individual liberty and of challenging the omnipotent state.  I congratulate Whitney on taking a place in that legacy as the party’s 21st National Chair. I look forward to working together on the critical work so important to executing the vision of our Party: supporting over 230 elected officials around the country, expanding our party infrastructure and activity at the grassroots level, running energetic and successful campaigns, growing the party’s legislative impact, and spreading a message of liberty.”