Larry Sharpe, the 2018 Libertarian candidate for governor of New York, appearing on “Kennedy” (Fox Business, Aug. 16, 2018)
The Libertarian candidate for governor of New York, Larry Sharpe, appeared on “Kennedy” on Fox Business to discuss Andrew Cuomo’s comment from earlier this week that America “was never that great,” and the condition of New York since Cuomo became the state’s governor in 2011.
In the interview, Sharpe and host Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery touched on Cuomo’s regulatory barriers against new and small businesses, cryptocurrency, cannabis, and ride-sharing services. Sharpe cited those suppressive policies as among the reasons for the departure of more than 100,000 working and educated people from New York each year.
The campaigns of Libertarian candidates Gary Johnson (U.S. Senate in New Mexico), Craig Bowden (U.S. senate in Utah), and Kryssi Wichers (Ohio state house, 77th district) were also mentioned during the segment.
Click here to watch the interview (“New York is no longer great thanks to Cuomo: Larry Sharpe,” Fox Business, Aug. 16).
Learn more at the Sharpe for Governor campaign website: LarrySharpe.com
Learn about Johnson for U.S. Senate (N.M.): GaryJohnsonSenate.com
Learn about Wichers for Ohio State House (District 77): KryssiForOhio.org
Learn about Bowden for U.S. Senate (Utah): Bowden4Senate.com
More than 825 other Libertarian candidates are running for all levels of government nationwide this year; learn more here: