Libertarians Jon Stewart, Kash Jackson, and Matthew Scaro participate in a gubernatorial candidates’ debate on Dec. 6 at the University of Illinois.
Three Libertarian Party candidates for Illinois governor participated in an election debate held on Dec. 6 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The declared candidates, Jon Stewart, Matthew Scaro, and Kash Jackson, addressed such issues as the state pension problem, the possibility of Amazon coming to Chicago, government licensing, the budget deficit, health insurance, the cost of higher education, race relations, gun control, and agriculture.
Candidate petitioning for ballot status runs from March to June. The party is expected to endorse a candidate at its 2018 convention, to be held in March in Bloomington.
Click here to watch a brief clip of the debate by Fox Illinois (a Fox Television affiliate).
Click here to listen to a full audio recording of the debate.
Learn more about these Libertarian candidates at their campaign websites:
Kash Jackson: KashJacksonForIllinois.com
Matthew Scaro: MCS4IL.com
Jon Stewart: JonStewart2018.com