Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania

Please help the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania get ballot access petition signatures on Tuesday, May 15 — Primary Day in Pennsylvania.

There are many Libertarian candidates around the state who are attempting to achieve ballot access for the 2018 campaign cycle, and we all need your help!

Primary day is the ONE day when it’s very easy to get lots of good petition signatures by working outside of a polling place and asking voters to sign your petition.

Just a few days ago, the same situation happened in Ohio. LP National Executive Director Wes Benedict collected 264 signatures at a polling place in Ohio and Ballot Access Committee Chair Bill Redpath collected a whopping 334 signatures!

Many of us are taking the day off from work because it’s really THAT important! The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If needed, we will provide clipboards (legal-sized), petition forms (must be printed on legal-sized paper), pens, AND INSTRUCTIONS!

You can find petition forms (must be printed on 8.5” by 14” legal-sized paper) and more instructions here:

Anyone who can take a vacation day and who is willing to spend some time working specific polls designed to achieve the biggest bang for our buck, please contact one of us to coordinate our efforts.

In 2018 we have a rare opportunity because of the redistricting, which requires half the number of signatures that were needed in 2016.

If we do not really push this on primary day, it will be extremely difficult to achieve ballot access in 2018. If you value the Libertarian message, and if you want to see our candidates spreading that message, come out and work with us on May 15!

Please call or text me at (610) 636-8039 or send an email to me at so I can help get you set up.


Steve Scheetz
Candidate for Congress, District 1
(610) 636-8039