BREAKING: a bill has finally been introduced to rein in the worst parts of the PATRIOT Act and put basic limits on mass government surveillance.

Call Congress at (202) 919-7073 and tell your lawmakers to support the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act now.

Five years ago, Edward Snowden risked everything to reveal that the NSA had been secretly using Section 215 of the controversial Patriot act to spy on millions of people’s private phone calls. This legislation would finally put an end to this massive phone-record-collection program. It will also prohibit warrantless location tracking and open an investigation into Section 215 surveillance of First Amendment-protected activities.

Passing this bill would be huge progress in the fight for privacy. Call Congress at (202) 919-7073 and tell your lawmakers to support the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act. Here’s what you can say:

“I’m a constituent, and I’m calling to urge you to support the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act. This bill would put an end to the controversial Call Detail Records program in Section 215 of the Patriot Act, prohibit location tracking, and provide more transparency and oversight of government surveillance. Thank you.”

Thanks for taking action to protect your right to privacy.