War is Over — Again.

War is Over — Again.

The United States’ war in Afghanistan is over. While there is much to say and much more that can never be put into words, let us be clear on this point: The Libertarian Party supports the full removal of US troops from Afghanistan and the end of this failed war. This...

The Sinister Attack on Ballot Access in New York

The Sinister Attack on Ballot Access in New York

In 2018 the Libertarian Party of New York earned automatic ballot access for the first time in history thanks to the gubernatorial ticket of Larry Sharpe and Andrew Hollister. LPNY needed to gather a minimum of 15,000 signatures during a six-week period to get our...

Libertarians Fighting in Court

Libertarians Fighting in Court

The Libertarian Party consistently advocates and fights for open ballot access and voter choice. These efforts can involve anything from protesting and petitioning to testifying before a state legislature. Sometimes though, these battles go to the courts.

Are Police Officers Held Accountable?

Are Police Officers Held Accountable?

In January 2016 Daniel Shaver was in Mesa, Arizona for work. His pest control job required a pellet gun. A hotel patron, thinking he had a rifle, called the police.

Why I’m Proud to be a Libertarian

Why I’m Proud to be a Libertarian

On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled that states had to recognize and issue licenses for same sex couples who wished to be married throughout the country. At that time, I had been in a relationship with my now fiancé for 4 years and I was excited to...

Has Biden Fixed Immigration?

Has Biden Fixed Immigration?

"If I'm elected president, we're going to immediately end Trump's assault on the dignity of immigrant communities. We're going to restore our moral standing in the world and our historic role as a safe haven for refugees and asylum-seekers." Joe Biden’s DNC Acceptance...

Attacks on Trans people are an attack on Liberty

Attacks on Trans people are an attack on Liberty

There are some who will always find true Liberty for all to be too risky an idea to embrace — unfortunately, many of those people are elected officials. In state legislatures across the country, bills have been proposed (and unfortunately in some cases, passed) that...

Cannabis is our issue

Cannabis is our issue

Cannabis is issue Meet Christine In 1996, a young mother of two was sent into unconsciousness by a blinding bolt of pain in her head. Upon awakening in the hospital, she was faced with terrifying news — a tumor was growing in her brain.Within a month, Christine...