When the Libertarian Party ends the government war being waged upon every citizen over what we understand as truth, we will give Americans back their power of self-ownership and their perception of reality. So much hatred, divisiveness, and misunderstanding between people comes from living in a world where truth is manipulated by government actors.
The freedom to express yourself, communicate with others unhindered, and proclaim self ownership, demands unfiltered access to all information. You can’t own yourself if you can’t perceive the world around you as it truly is to understand what to free yourself from.
Under our leadership there will be no more truth police, no more propaganda, and no more censorship. Your interpretation of the world will be free to interact, change, and inspire others around you. The real truth is one that cannot be controlled, but is agreed upon through a thousand different viewpoints.
We are the Party of Truth.
Real data. Real Communication. That adds up to a Real Future. Not lies, debt, and an endless war to control what you think, what you know, and how you view the world around you.