Environment / Energy Resources

Technological advancement has been the key to protecting the ecosystem and environment from the beginning of the industrial era. This is not hypocritical to say. While pollutants are created, the faster technology moves, the faster pollutants are replaced with clean alternatives.

When governments try to tackle environmental issues (which is hypocritical, as governments are the largest polluters), they use a punishing approach that rarely, if ever, solves the problem before it’s naturally been replaced with cleaner technology. However, these punishments are long lasting, and devastating to emergent economies, as well as crushing to businesses reliant on older systems that are working to evolve.

Libertarians will erase the self-aggrandizing and enriching controls over how we explore our power, water, and air. We will remove all subsidies that support power systems and industries that should fail, while opening competition fully for the best, cleanest, products and services to thrive. Humanity will always find a way to survive, and protecting the environment is a priority for this simple reason alone.