In this time of COVID-19 your campaign needs the best tools!

The LNC is proud to announce it will be subsidizing access to eCanvasser — the premier electioneering software — for select Libertarian candidates running in state or local elections across the country.

Check out the amazing feature list including a mobile app, easy recruiting (someone can join your campaign team from an email!), and the precise targeting that will allow your campaign to use your precious resources in the most effective way.

Because eCanvasser is among the best, it’s also expensive. For local candidates it normally costs from $99-199 a month for a candidate to use – but the Libertarian Party has negotiated a deal for its local candidates. Your campaign or a donor on your behalf can sign up in monthly installments of only $85!

Your campaign needs to be doing digital outreach right now! Ecanvasser comes with the data you need and the ability to manage it so your campaign is working hard right now!

How it works: Someone makes a donation to support a candidate. We check with your state chair to make sure that you are an approved candidate for the state party, and we turn on your Ecanvasser account, provide you and your staff with training, and join you at your victory party in November.

Space is limited! Only the first 100 campaigns to sign up will get this discount!  Sign up now!

Please note — there must be a donation made on this form in a candidates name to start eCanvasser activation.