Bethany Baldes
From County10 in Fremont County, Wyoming on March 3, 2020:
In 2018, Riverton’s Bethany Baldes came up 53 votes short of defeating House District 55 incumbent David Miller.
The Libertarian told the 10Cast Network she planned to run for Wyoming House again in 2020 the day after that election.
On Saturday, February 29th, she made her plans official with a 2020 campaign kickoff party at Riverton’s Reach Foundation. Several community ambassadors and supporters attended, including Riverton Mayor Rich Gard.
Baldes’ campaign announced they have the support of four previous Riverton mayors, along with, “countless community leaders and elected officials.”
Bethany addressed the crowd with a brief speech announcing her plans to run and need for volunteers. She said she hopes to expand economic diversity, create job opportunities, and to keep, “Riverton’s positive momentum moving forward.” She also spoke specifically about her desire to expand Fremont County’s agricultural opportunities.
Baldes is the first to formally announce campaign plans for House District 55 this year.
Bethany’s campaign website: BaldesForLiberty.com