Joshua Flynn
The Chicago Tribune, the most widely read daily newspaper in Chicago and which has the sixth highest daily circulation in the country, endorsed Illinois Libertarian Party candidate for the 78th state house race Joshua Flynn on October 7, 2020:
Rep. Camille Lilly, an Oak Park Democrat, has a formidable resume that includes 10 years in the House and her role as founder of the Austin Chamber of Commerce. We applaud her for sponsoring legislation to raise the legal smoking age in Illinois to 21. But then she introduced a wacky bill prohibiting drivers from pumping their own gas. Then she backtracked and said the legislation was about safety at the pump. She is active in the Black Caucus, but that caucus also hasn’t done much to stand up to Speaker Madigan.
This time, we’ll go with Libertarian Joshua Flynn of Chicago who is active in the Austin community and realizes high property taxes and lack of affordable housing are driving people out of Illinois. Those issues are far more crucial that gas-pumping. Flynn is a long shot, but he is endorsed.
Joshua Flynn’s campaign website: VoteJoshFlynn.com