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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

BARR: No more government guarantees

For Immediate Release Thursday, October 2, 2008 Just one week ago, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was demanding that Congress grant him unprecedented, unreviewable authority to spend $700 billion or more to bail-out Wall Street. But in a major rebuke to the administration and to both the Republican and Democratic congressional leadership, the House voted down […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Praises House for Rejecting Wall Street Bailout

For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 1, 2008 ‘Few people thought it could be done, but members of Congress listened to the people rather than the establishment to vote down the proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street,” notes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee. ‘Their courageous action gives us a chance to start over. […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason Goes Hollywood

Celebrate 40 Years of Reason at Reason Goes Hollywood! Nothing captures the American imagination like Hollywood—and now, lovers of liberty will gather on the Walk of Fame to explore the ways in which film and freedom converge. Come find out more about the future of American cinema—and join in the party of the year as […]

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Libertarian Party

Radio Ad Contest

Are you ready to be the voice of liberty for the Libertarian Party? If so, you just may have your chance. The election is 36 days around the corner, and the LP is gearing up for our first radio ads of the season, and we’re looking for you, the loyal supporter, for ideas.

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Libertarian Party

Congress Should Vote ‘No’ on Bailout, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Monday, September 29, 2008 ‘The leaders of both the Republican and Democratic Parties are rushing ahead with their $700 billion bill,’ says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. ‘Without a single hearing and without considering other solutions, Congress is preparing to put the typical American family on the hook for […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Will Save You Money

A study released by the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) listed Bob Barr as the most fiscally responsible candidate running for president, noting a Barr presidency would cut federal spending by a whopping $200.9 billion.

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Libertarian Party

The 'Bailout From Hell' Must be Rejected

For Immediate Release Friday, September 26, 2008 An OpEd from Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr In the name of restoring economic confidence, the Bush administration is demanding unlimited authority to implement a massive financial bailout. The Secretary of the Treasury would become an economic dictator, empowered to reengineer the economy as he sees fit. These […]

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Libertarian Party

The Bob Barr Counter-Debate

For Immediate Release Friday, September 26, 2008 While Senators Barack Obama and John McCain exchange stump speeches in Mississippi, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Bob Barr will be adding his take to the issues that impact all American citizens. “Pretending there is only a Republican or Democratic proposal to solve the challenges our nation faces ignores […]

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Libertarian Party

Barack Obama Can Debate Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Thursday, September 25, 2008 McCain Moves to Dictate Debate Timing, Agenda Should Be Rejected With the recent proposal of Senator John McCain to postpone the first presidential debate, it is clear that the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has no authority. “For the past several elections, candidates have used the CPD as […]

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Libertarian Party

McCain Already at Odds With GOP Platform in Supporting Bailouts

For Immediate Release Wednesday, September 24, 2008 McCain-Palin Bailout Support Belies Talk of ‘Change’ “Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin should read the platform of their own party before making a plan to deal with this most recent financial crisis,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party nominee for president. “The GOP platform clearly states […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Campaign Statement on Texas Supreme Court Ruling

For Immediate Release Tuesday, September 23, 2008 “We are disappointed with the Texas Supreme Court’s denial of our request to have the Secretary of State abide by the law and remove the names of Senators Obama and McCain from the election ballot,” stated Russell Verney, manager of Bob Barr’s presidential campaign, following the Texas Supreme […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party vs. Constitution Party

We often get emails at Libertarian Party headquarters asking what exactly are the differences between the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party.  The confusion is understandable, especially for party outsiders who are just beginning to look at either as a new political home. On the surface, the LP and the CP appear to be quite […]

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