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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Fox News: Libertarians take on Democrat ‘war on dissent’

From Mob Rule or Democracy in Action? Health Care Debate Focuses on Opponents Over Substance Democrats are stepping up their campaign against opponents of health care reforms, depicting town hall audiences protesting a Democratic-sponsored bill as angry mobs duped into hostile actions by special interest groups.

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Libertarian Party

Indy Libertarians to hold school choice workshop

(Libertarians are the only party working to give parents more say in their child’s education through school choice, as well as tax credits and vouchers to allow parents to "shop" for better schools with their own tax dollars.) The Libertarian Party of Marion County, Indiana’s Monthly Business Meeting well be held Tuesday, Aug. 11 at […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians call on Democrats to end their 'war on dissent'

For Immediate Release Wednesday, August 5, 2009 White House urges followers to report dissenters, Doggett claims LP organizing ‘mobs’ WASHINGTON — Libertarian National Committee Communications Director Donny Ferguson released the following statement Wednesday, after Democratic National Committee Communications Director Brad Woodhouse released a statement Tuesday accusing private citizens opposed to the proposed government takeover of […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians decry Blue Dog deal on government-controlled health care

For Immediate Release Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Revised bill is ‘delayed-onset government control’ WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party Tuesday criticized Blue Dog Democrat Caucus leaders for finalizing a deal with party leadership on a September vote on the proposed health care reform bill before heading back to their districts to meet with constituents. The […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians challenge SEIU: Why not give everyone unlimited posters?

For Immediate Release Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Union rations access to ‘free’ posters promoting government takeover WASHINGTON — America’s third largest party issued a challenge Tuesday to the Service Employees International Union, which is distributing free posters to activists supporting the proposed government takeover of health care. The posters come with one catch – access […]

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Libertarian Party

Government-run care means long waits, less innovation

Libertarian award-winning journalist John Stossel wants Americans to know one thing — government-run health care means waiting in line for less advanced care. In nations with government-run systems like the one proposed by Obama, citizens must register with the government just to be put on a waiting list for routine care like dentist visits. Click […]

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Libertarian Party

Monds debuts new website

John Monds, the Libertarian candidate for Georgia governor, has a new and improved website at Monds is running for governor because, like most Georgians, he wants to cut taxes, eliminate wasteful spending, improve local schools and get traffic moving again. Why not head over to, take a look at let John know what […]

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Libertarian Party

Murphy to hold health care town hall, Aug. 8

Democrat Congressman Scott Murphy, representing New York’s 20th Congressional District (Kinderhook/Glen Falls/Saratoga Springs) will hold a "town hall meeting" Aug. 8 on the proposed government takeover of health care. Libertarians urge concerned citizens to ask Congressman Murphy if he will agree to vote "no" on any health care reform bill he has not personally read […]

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Libertarian Party


A previous blog posting by an LP staffer may have given some the impression a reporter for the Politico newspaper had claimed a controversial current issue was being promoted by the Libertarian Party.  He did not. The reporter was referring to activists associated with websites unrelated to the Libertarian Party.  He was not referring […]

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