Archive | News

Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Steal My Platform – Please!

We have many fine Libertarian candidates running for office this year, including about 17 for U.S. Senate, and 170 for U.S. House of Representatives.  Many of you already have websites; others are still developing them.  Mine is up and running now, and I’d like to offer it as a resource for other candidates. Go to […]

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Libertarian Party

Something useful any Libertarian can do

In an inexplicable, but rare, bout of integrity, the New Jersey legislature years ago passed a pair of “Open Government” laws, applicable to municipal and similar government bodies.   The Open Public Meetings Act, passed in 1975, stipulated standards for public access to meetings – when closed meetings could be held, what needed to be […]

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Libertarian Party

Eminent domain abuse continues

Five years after the infamous Kelo v. New London decision, private property owners continue to suffer from eminent domain abuse. Fox 17 reports in Michigan: The building at 38 Front Street doesn’t look like a whole lot from the outside, but it’s worth millions of dollars. It’s a piece of prime real estate on the […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Help us help New York

June 28, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, The Libertarian Party of New York needs our help getting its candidates on the ballot this year. Please make a generous donation today. The New York LP needs 15,000 valid signatures in a petition drive starting July 6 and ending August 17. That’s just 6 weeks.

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Libertarian Party

“Why I’m Running” article on

My campaign for U.S. Senate is picking up steam!  I’ve already got interviews lined up for next month with two of Tucson’s six TV stations, and I’m starting to get calls from newspapers.  I’ve written an article on "Why I’m Running" that was published at (not owned by me) and in less than three […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian candidate Mark Hinkle’s election results

Mark Hinkle, national chairman of the Libertarian Party, is a candidate in a special election to fill a vacancy in the California State Senate. The election was yesterday, and the San Jose Mercury News reports: Runoff appears likely in 15th District Senate race The race for the seat of former Sen. Abel Maldonado appears headed […]

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Libertarian Party

Facebook page and website for my U.S. Senate campaign

I now have a Facebook page for my U.S. Senate campaign:!/group.php?gid=117896281588894&ref=mf If you have a Facebook account, you can sign up to receive campaign news as it happens, along with the usual puff-stuff that all campaigns put out.  Sign up now, and click the "Share" button to share it with all your FB friends! […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians note anniversary of bad Kelo decision

For Immediate Release Tuesday, June 22, 2010 WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, June 23, marks the fifth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo v. New London decision. Today the Libertarian Party published the following open letter: We, the state chairs of the Libertarian Party, and members of the Libertarian National Committee (LNC), wish to call attention […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: fun poll, serious issues

June 21, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, Before getting to more serious issues, I’m asking you to take another quick poll on slogans. We picked the top two from our primary poll, and added a new third choice. (Two choices on the ballot just aren’t enough!)

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian candidate and officeholder Heather Scott

Tennessee Report writes about Heather Scott, who is running for the Tennessee House of Representatives: Heather Scott is a Libertarian, but she is running as an independent. From her eight years as a member of the Wilson County Commission, Scott says she’s seen how programs come down from the state and federal government that may […]

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