I’d like to thank everyone who supported the Libertarian Party’s recent outreach efforts at the 2015 International Students For Liberty Conference.

I felt like the Libertarian Party’s message was very well received. The students attending the conference had strong libertarian leanings.

I was especially inspired to hear the auditorium full of students cheer when Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, called for an end to marijuana prohibition.

Here are a few statistics from the event:

Total conference attendance: over 1,700
Attendees who joined the Libertarian Party for free: 317 (around 18% of all attendees)
Libertarian Party T-shirts given: 382
Libertarian Party hats given: 75

We came close to raising the $4,500 we budgeted to pay for this event. Around $3,000 was contributed online here, and about $1,500 was contributed on our general contribution page or in person. Many thanks to everyone who donated.

In addition to thanking our LPHQ staff for their work, I’d like to thank Libertarian Party volunteers Pranav Badhwar, Andy Bakker, Chris Brookover, John Buckley, Jefferey Carson, Robert Sarvis, and Bridget Ulrich, for working at our booth. I also want to thank LNC members Arvin Vohra and Jim Lark for participating in the breakout sessions.

Students interested in getting active with Students For Liberty are encouraged to join the Campus Coordinator Program.

I also encourage Libertarian Party activists to reach out to local Students For Liberty groups and find ways to cooperate.

You can help make more outreach possible by contributing today.

Wes Benedict
Executive Director