LP Headquarters staff and volunteers handed out 3,200 door hangers and about 1,000 Libertarian bumper stickers in three hours at Glenn Beck’s "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of thousands of people attended this rally, many of whom were Tea Party activists.
In preparation, we had the top two inches of the door hangers cut off to make them more convenient for handing out at a rally. Fed-Ex/Kinko’s cut all 3,200 for just nine dollars. The result was a handy card featuring the World’s Smallest Political Quiz along with information on the Libertairan Party.
While I think Glenn Beck holds some Libertarian views, he strays on some issues. Some passersby mentioned having taken the Quiz on Beck’s television show. Of that informed group, some eagerly accepted the bumper stickers and quiz cards, while others were clearly against us.
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University reporter interviews Robert Kraus |
One gentleman took the Quiz and scored solidly in the authoritarian region. Ironically he was wearing an anti-Obama T-shirt with pictures of Stalin and other notorious authoritarians. He seemed good-natured, nevertheless, and I’m hopeful that Libertarian activists help open people’s minds to what true freedom means.