The exciting libertarian game Who’s Driving? is now available online. Click here to learn all about it, to learn how to organize and lead the game, and to print materials needed to play.

Special Offer: Laminated Who’s Driving? playing cards

While you don’t need special playing cards to play (you can print playing card images from this web page along with all the materials needed to play) it’s even easier if you have the cards already made up for you.

The national LP headquarters is offering a free set of laminated Who’s Driving playing cards to the first 8 activists who organize and set a date for playing Who’s Driving – and who have at least 8 confirmed attendees.

If that’s you, please send the details of your event (date, time, link to announcement, your name and contact info, and names of at least 8 confirmed attendees) to:

The first 8 game organizers who reply will be sent a set of 10 cards (enough for 12 to play). Maximum one per state affiliate.