LP North Carolina candidate Sean Haugh for U.S. SenateThree candidates for the nationally watched U.S. Senate race in North Carolina, including Libertarian Sean Haugh and his Democratic and Republican opponents, will debate on Thursday, Oct. 9, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The forum can be viewed live online at the following websites:

According to a CNN/ORC International survey, incumbent Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan is barely ahead of the GOP’s Tom Tillis, 46 percent to 43 percent, while Libertarian Sean Haugh has support from 7 percent of likely voters.

Haugh was featured in an Oct. 7 article by Dave Weigel on Bloomberg News that calls Haugh the “Libertarian who may swing the Senate.”

On Oct. 8, Haugh is scheduled to appear on Fox News and will tape interviews for ABC News and MSNBC.

Haugh is running for federal office to stop U.S. wars, “delete the NSA,” eliminate the federal income tax, and end drug prohibition.

The above PBS link states that it will also provide a link to the live three-way U.S. Senate debate taking place in Georgia at the same time, featuring Libertarian Amanda Swafford and her Democratic and Republican rivals.

A new Public Policy Polling survey puts Republican David Perdue at 45 percent, Democrat Michelle Nunn at 43 percent, and Swafford at 5 percent.

Amanda Swafford is running for U.S. Senate to repeal the 16th Amendment, end the corporate income tax, end the estate tax, dismantle the Department of Education, and significantly reduce the role of the federal government in health care.