From the Washington Times on June 8:

“With an electorate totally disenchanted with the two major parties’ offerings, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has a unique chance to make a splash this year — and he’s determined to do things differently than in his 2012 campaign.

“Gone are the low-yield interviews with ‘internet radio’ shows, and Mr. Johnson also says he’ll probably skip out on trolling the Democratic and Republican conventions.

“More significantly, he said he’ll probably reverse his 2012 decision and reject public financing this year, instead trying to raise his own campaign cash.

“‘The target is tens of millions of dollars, and we need to show that or we’re not credible,’ Mr. Johnson told The Washington Times. ‘That’s just the reality.’

“He sat down with The Washington Times a week after he won the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination for a second election in a row, and insisted this year is different, both because he’s better prepared and because Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have chased voters out of their own parties.

“One major difference this time is that Johnson, a former two-term governor of New Mexico, has former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld as his running mate.

“Not only do they each have more executive elected experience than either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump, but Mr. Weld’s presence has already helped the ticket line up meetings with potential financiers.

“And the Libertarians are getting outside help from political action committees that know how to play the game.”

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