Barry Short relishes the idea of representing the 72nd District in the Utah State House.

“There are a number of Republicans [in the House] who claim to be for free markets, individual liberty, and limited government,” he says.  “You’d better believe I’d publicly challenge those representatives to match their votes to their rhetoric.”

If elected, Short plans to immediately reduce the Department of Professional Occupational Licensing budget by 50% because, “at least a third of the occupations regulated by the state should not be regulated at all, and many of the others are arbitrarily regulated.”

A private business owner for most of his life, Short understands the importance of a balanced budget and is dedicated to reducing state spending.

“The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is a glaring example of unnecessary government waste. It’s a large, antiquated, hugely inefficient department that restricts trade and duplicates efforts that are already being done either by the private sector or by local governments,” he said.

Barry Short’s campaign is running ads on the local NPR radio station and aims to raise funds for additional advertising.

Campaign website: