ImageFrom on October 5:

“Libertarian vice presidential nominee Bill Weld slammed the two major-party vice presidential nominees the day after Tuesday’s debate, comparing the election to a ‘scary movie.’
“’Americans are frustrated. They think they’re watching a scary movie and they can’t change the channel, as my wife says,’ Weld told WABC’s Rita Cosby on Wednesday.

“‘But they can change the channel, and it would be Gary Johnson and Bill Weld,’ the former Massachusetts governor said.”

“Johnson, the Libertarian presidential nominee, has pushed to get to the 15 percent threshold in polls necessary to get into the remaining two debates with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump, but he is currently averaging around 7.5 percent.

“‘We’re probably the only ones who are pro-free trade and the only ones who are for restraint on military incursions,’ Weld said of the Libertarian ticket.”