from the Texas LP:

During a visit to Buenos Aires on a concert tour, Libertarian Party of Texas (LPT) state chair Pat Dixon met with the recently established Partido Liberal Libertario (PL, Dixon discussed experiences he has had as a local and state leader of the Libertarian Party, a national committee member, and a twice elected candidate for local office.

PL began as a Facebook group in 2009 and has now grown to an organization seeking ballot access for the 2013 local election in Buenos Aires. They need to collect 4,000 petitions in a 2 year period to place a Libertarian on the ballot for the first time in the history of Argentina. However, the petition requirements are much more than just a signature. They must conduct an interview and collect several identification documents of every signer to present to the city officials. So far they have collected 2,000 such petitions.

Argentina, which in 1913 was the 10th wealthiest per capita nation on earth, has declined significantly since then. The country has experienced epic economic turbulence through the welfare and nationalization programs of Peron, massive foreign debt, inflation, default, and corruption. The works and images of Marx, Stalin, and Che Guevara are prevalent, while those of Bastiat, Mises, Hayek, and Friedman are very hard to find. It is remarkable that the internet has enabled Libertarians to amass a following in this environment.

LPT member Fred Badagnani arranged the meeting. While still maintaining a Texas residence and membership in the Libertarian Party, he has a business in Buenos Aires (

Dixon was touring Uruguay and Argentina on a concert tour with the Texas Choral Consort (