All right Libertarian activists, it’s time to get busy. We only have a few short months before the Nov. elections and we need to build up local bases of operations in our local communities.

Terry of Cape Girardeau, Missouri sent me this email today:

Hi Austin,

I recently joined the Libertarian Party and have started the Cape Girardeau Bob Barr Meetup –

I am an ex-Republican and feel that both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are headed in the same, wrong direction that will grow the size and scope of government and reduce our freedom and liberty in countless ways.

As for what I plan to do with the information – my desire right now is to build as strong a Bob Barr Meetup as possible. I am looking at what the Meetup can do to spread the Libertarian message and support Bob Barr’s candidacy. Additionally, I would like to be able to help raise funds for both Bob Barr and other Libertarians.

Other plans I have in the works are a web site for disaffected Republicans which will be called Republicans Left Me. I have the domain name and just need to start building the site. I also plan on putting up a site about third parties and plan to prominently feature the Libertarian Party.

I appreciate your time and thank you in advance for any suggestions/advice you are willing to offer.


Cape Girardeau Bob Barr Meetup

Great work Terry!

This is exactly the kind of dedication we need in order to make a strong impression this fall. Feel free to contact me at anytime if you are not sure how to set up a group.

In the meantime here are some useful tips to get you on track.

– Have your first meeting at a good social public gathering that is accommodating to large groups. Make sure it’s not too loud and that everyone, including those under 21, can get in.

– Call ahead of time to speak to the manager and let them know you will be bringing a group. Don’t be shy to ask for discounts on food or drinks, and see if they can reserve you some space to sit for your group.

– Search local Ron Paul Meetups by zip code on When you find them, email the organizer on the left side of the screen with an invitation to your first event. Inform them that everyone is welcome to attend. Try and follow up with a phone call if you can attain their number.

– Identify your leaders at your meetings. Find out who you can trust to delegate major tasks such as scheduling future Meetups, finding local events to send volunteers for outreach, etc.

As always, I am here for anyone to speak to about local organizing events, and answer any questions you might have. You may email me at to discuss any ways to improve Libertarian outreach.