“Republicans fear that Governor Gary Johnson on the Pennsylvania ballot may cost Mitt Romney crucial votes in a tight Presidential contest” 

Dear Friends,

20,601 Pennsylvania registered voter signatures are required to put Gary Johnson on the ballot.

On August 1st, the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania filed nearly 50,000 petition signatures to put Libertarian Presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson on the ballot.

On August 8th, Republicans filed legal challenges against our petition signatures – despite the fact that that the “challenge” doesn’t pass the laugh test and is designed to cost us time and money. The Libertarian Party clearly has way more than enough valid signatures to qualify our Presidential ticket for the 2012 ballot.

But now we’re in a nasty legal and administrative fight to keep what we earned: ballot status in Pennsylvania for our Libertarian Presidential ticket.

The Commonwealth Court ordered us to provide 20 libertarian volunteers each weekday – starting a few days ago on Mon. August 20th – to match up/verify ballot petition signatures with the PA voter registration roll database.

Further, we have legal fees and court costs. To defend the Libertarian Party’s ballot status. To defend Pennsylvania’s voters’ right to vote Libertarian.

In 1996, Harry Browne garnered 28,000 votes in Pennsylvania.

How many votes can Gov. Johnson and Judge Gray get in Pennsylvania this year? Enough to scare Big Government Republican Mitt Romney.

Time is short. We need your immediate help to protect the Libertarian Presidential ticket’s place on the Pennsylvania ballot.

We’ve already written and sent the first $5,500 check for this legal defense.

This could cost us $10,000 to $35,000 this week and next.

Your donation is our legal defense budget.

If you can donate $10,000 today, will you please do it?

If you can afford to contribute $5,000 or $2,500 now, will you please help?

Or if you can give $1,000 or $500, will you please give now?

Or $250 or $100 – or $75 or $50. Don’t let the Republicans throw Gary Johnson off the Pennsylvania ballot. Please contribute now.

Even $5 will help. Whatever you can give, please make a difference by giving it now.

Please either click and donate now or mail your donation to the address below with "ballot access" in the memo.

Your donation now is our libertarian defense budget.

Thank you.

Yours for liberty,

Carla Howell

Libertarian Party Executive Director