LP Chair Nicholas Sarwark
As we come to the end of 2015, it has been a very successful year for the Libertarian Party. Our party came through some financial challenges with revenue over budget and expenses under budget, all while adopting a new logo, bringing on additional staff to help build state affiliates and increase our media outreach, and running ballot access drives in multiple states. This puts us in a great position as we head into a presidential election year with ballot access in more states than we’ve had in decades, hundreds of candidates gearing up to run for office across the country, and opportunities to grow as more and more Americans get fed up with the tired and petty politics of the old parties.
None of these successes would have been possible without you, our sustaining members. You provide the financial support that keeps our party going strong. You go out and talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about how Libertarian solutions can make their lives and our country better. Many of you are monthly pledgers, whose ongoing support allows us to be the only third party that owns a permanent office with a hardworking staff that helps magnify our impact. If you’re not a pledger yet, please consider starting a monthly pledge at $10 per month; it’s a small investment that gives us the support we need to keep growing.
A special thank you to all of the Libertarian Party candidates who have run for office across the country in 2015. Libertarians ran for office in regular and special elections in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. They went out to their neighbors and shared a vision of more freedom for individuals to pursue their own happiness without government interference. If you haven’t run for office yet, please visit www.LP.org/run-for-office to get more information on how you can help us meet our goal of over 1,000 candidates around the country in 2016.
On a personal note, my mother-in-law, Melanie Sisson, passed away earlier this year after a fight with cancer. The Christmas season was her favorite time of the year. She went above and beyond to reach out to others and pick out thoughtful gifts and bring family and friends together. She had a terminal prognosis before last Christmas, but didn’t tell the family until after the holidays to keep up the spirit of the season. [In our family’s] first holiday season without her, it’s a reminder to me to keep her spirit alive by being good to others, instead of focusing on my own problems and difficulties.
My holiday wish to you is to cultivate that spirit. Be good to each other. Show your friends and family who Libertarians are this holiday season. Use this time to reconnect, recharge, and prepare for incredible progress in 2016.
Yours in liberty,
Nicholas Sarwark