ImageFrom Matt Welch of Reason Magazine on July 17:

“Three national presidential polls came out over the weekend, and all three contain historically good news for Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson.

“A four-candidate CNN/ORC survey conducted July 13-16 delivered the highest number Johnson has ever received in national poll: 13 percent (compared to Hillary Clinton’s 42 percent, Donald Trump’s 37, and Jill Stein’s 5). And there is tangible Garymentum: Compared to the same outfit’s poll one month ago, Clinton/Trump are virtually unchanged, the presumptive Green Party nominee Stein is down two percentage points, and Johnson is up four. It’s also worth noting that this is the first presidential poll to be conducted after Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton.

“I don’t have all the historical data at my fingertips, but it’s a safe bet that 13 percent is the highest number a Libertarian Party presidential candidate has ever registered. It nudges out the 12 percent that Johnson has twice received in three-way polls that have excluded Stein, including as recently as last week’s July 8-12 CBS News/New York Times survey, which had Clinton and Trump tied at 36 percent.”

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