UPDATE 4/9/14:  The information below is out of date. To order door hangers, click here.



Dear Friend of Liberty,

We’re happy to finally launch QUIZ ACROSS AMERICA!

We just received our first printing of 200,000 door hangers. They look great, and we’re ready to start shipping them to volunteers. You can get up to 100 for each five dollars you donate. (Minimum order: 200 hangers for $10.)

The door hangers contain the World’s Smallest Political Quiz on the front with some information about the Libertarian Party, and our positions, on the back.

The door hangers have some extra space near the top where candidates can attach their campaign business cards. Or, local parties can attach labels with contact information. Additionally, you can cut off the top two inches (the part with the hole), giving you a nice stack of Libertarian information cards to hand out at events.

Click here to view a full-size PDF.

If you live in a typical urban or suburban area, putting up door hangers is easy. It should take about three or four hours to put up a batch of 200. If you live in a more rural area, maybe you can travel to a nearby town where the houses are closer together.

Whatever you do, do not put them in or on mail boxes, because that is prohibited by the U.S. Postal Service. We’ll send additional tips and instructions with your order.

The best time to put them up is as soon as possible. That way your door hangers might help locate someone new to go online and volunteer. And you might order more yourself later.

We distributed about 200,000 libertarian door hangers in Texas in 2006 and 2008. I’m hoping we can do a million nationwide this year by Election Day.

You can get up to 100 door hangers for each $5 you donate — that’s 5 cents each. (Minimum order: 200 hangers for $10.) But, like with previous offers, I hope many of you will donate more than that to help us cover the costs of things like shipping and postage.

Ordering Instructions:

 [Click here to download and print order form – also has T-shirts and stickers]

To order, please type “door hangers” and specify the quantity you want in the Comment box at the bottom of the membership or contribution page. If you don’t clearly specify a quantity, I’ll ship 100 per $5, rounded down to the nearest 100.

Again, the price is $5 per 100. Minimum order is 200 for $10.

These are shipped in bundles of 100, so please order only multiples of 100 (for example 200, 300, 500, 1,000, 1,200, etc.). Minimum quantity: 200.

Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery, but usually we’ll ship them even faster. If you don’t type “door hangers” or clearly indicate that you want door hangers, then we will assume it’s just a regular donation and won’t ship any.

Also, put your shipping address in the Comment box if it’s different from the address you entered above.

Example 1:

Comment (optional):
door hangers 200

Example 2:

Comment (optional):
door hangers 1,400
ship to:
100 Main St
Los Angeles, CA 90101

Thanks for helping to advertise the Libertarian Party by donating and getting up to 100 door hangers for each five dollars donated. (Minimum $10 donation required.)

Don’t delay. Donate and order your door hangers today!


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee