In a Quinnipiac poll released September 14, Libertarian Gov. Gary Johnson polls at 13 percent. The poll puts Democrat Hillary Clinton at 41 percent and Republican Donald Trump at 39 percent.

57 percent of respondents say Gary Johnson should be allowed in the debates while 53 percent say they have no opinion of him. 

“Translation: The public wants to hear more about Libertarian Gary Johnson,” said Libertarian National Committee Chair, Nicholas Sarwark. “They actually want debates to inform and educate.”

Gov. Johnson scores 29 percent, higher than Trump among 65 million American millenials aged 18-34. Trump polls at 26 percent in this demographic.

“The writing is on the wall,” said Sarwark. “Anything less than inclusion of Libertarians Gary Johnson and William Weld in all the presidential and vice presidential debates is a grave disservice to American voters.”

Click here to see the full Quinnipiac poll result.