Dear Friend of Liberty,

I need your help to get the Libertarian Party on the ballot in Illinois.

The Illinois LP has developed a great slate of candidates this year. But Illinois voters won’t get the chance to vote for them unless the Illinois LP gets ballot access. To do that, the state party needs our financial help, and that’s why I’m sending you this email. Please make a contribution today.

Our national party frequently helps state parties get ballot access. That’s why we are the only third party who gets our presidential candidates on the ballot in almost every state — thanks to financial support from Libertarians like you.

You may remember some of our recent drives in North Carolina and Texas. Thanks to financial help from our national party, those ballot access drives were successful, and now millions of voters in those states can vote for many Libertarian candidates.

The great news in Illinois is, if the petition drive is successful, we may not have to petition again in 2012. If Illinois Libertarian candidates get enough votes this year, we will automatically be on the ballot in 2012. I think we stand a strong chance of making that happen.

As a side note, the New Mexico LP is finishing up its petition drive soon. Thanks to the support of Libertarians like you, we have been able to provide financial assistance to the New Mexico LP, which has greatly increased the chance that their petition drive will succeed.

Please visit our contribution page and make a generous contribution to help our ballot access efforts. We can’t do it without you.

Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee

P.S. If you have not yet become a member of the Libertarian Party and wish to do so, please click here and join the only political party dedicated to free markets and civil liberties. If you need to renew, please click here. If you would like to make a contribution separate from membership, please click here.