Red Dirt Report, an online Oklahoma news publication, ran an article last week on the Libertarian Party’s petitioning effort in Oklahoma.

The last year that a Libertarian was on the ballot in the State of Oklahoma was 2000, when Harry Browne ran as a Libertarian against Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore. Ever since that election, the powers that be have decided that Oklahomans would be better off if they only had two choices on the Presidential ballot.

On March 6, 2015, the Libertarian Party of Oklahoma filed their intent to form a new political party and began gathering signatures on a petition that would allow them to give Oklahomans another voting choice next November.  The required number of signatures in order to gain this official recognition is 24,745.

This year, the National Libertarian Party has stepped in to help by donating $60,000 so that the local party can hire signature gathering workers to complement the volunteers that are seen all around the state gathering up signatures.

The deadline to gather the almost 25,000 signatures is March 1, 2016.

Click here to read the full article.