Ballot Access News entry: "U.S. District Court Says New Ohio Ballot Access Law is Probably Unconstitutional; Issues Injunction Putting Libertarians on 2012 Ballot"

Ohio LP Chair Kevin Knedler comments, "This is a great day for liberty, the citizens of Ohio, and basic first amendment rights of a voter. Women fought for the right to vote 100 years ago, minorities fought the same fight 50 years ago, and here we are in the 21st century doing the same thing. At a time, when the USA is trying to spread freedom and liberty around the world, it is unfortunate that we have to fight in courtrooms, right here in Ohio, for a basic freedom: the right to have more than just one or two choices on a ballot and the right to privately express ourselves when voting. The fight for our freedoms is not over, but after three Federal Court wins in 5 years, we are much closer. Now, we need the Ohio Assembly members to respectively consider the solid ideas that we have for ballot access. The citizens of Ohio and board of elections would benefit from these ideas. Thank you."